Autumn Equinox: Official Start of Fall in Northern Hemisphere
The Fall Equinox 2024 day and timings for the Northern and Southern Hemisphere are shared here! Fall Equinox is also known as September Equinox or autumn equinox. It falls on 22nd September 2024 as per UTC timezone. It is considered the official start of fall 2024. Astronomically, it marks the first day of the autumn season in the Northern Hemisphere of the Earth. Fall is the period of transition from summer to winter. It falls in September when the sunset starts happening early day by day as wintertime approaches. Further, we have shared the date, time, meaning, and activities of the fall season. Also, do not forget to check when is the full moon october 2024.
Meet the varied traditions and beliefs that surround the start of the autumnal equinox worldwide. 22nd September 2024 as per UTC marks the fall equinox 2024 and the beginning of the first day of fall in the Northern Hemisphere. We have also updated the dates of the first day of spring, the first day of winter, and the first day of summer 2024. The fall equinox of 2024 will be the second equinox of the year after the March equinox 2024. The autumnal season is mainly a shift of weather from warm to cold and is traditionally a significant event for celebration and harvesting festivals. Mid autumn Festival 2024 is one of the major autumn moon festivals of South East Asia.
Fall Equinox 2024 in UK USA and Canada
Note below the beginning of September Equinox 2021 in different time zones:
Date: 22nd September 2024 – First Day of Fall 2024
- UTC: 22nd September 2024, 12.43
- EDT: 22nd September 2024, 8.44
The fall equinox 2024 date may vary from 22nd September in other time zones of the world. The indications and symbolizations of Autumn juxtapose the spring season. Trees lose their leaves, the flowery cheerfulness of summer disappears and the beginning of dry and chill days of winter is heralded. Poets have often linked autumn with the melancholic and retiring mood of nature.
Interesting Facts About Autumn Equinox
Here are some interesting facts about the Fall Equinox 2024, we would love to share with you. These facts will also explain this geographical phenomenon in a friendly manner:
- It is the second equinox of the year; the first one being observed in March. While the vernal equinox is the first phenomenon of equinox in the Northern Hemisphere, the Southern Hemisphere observes its Autumn equinox as the first one of the year.
- Summer is out. The summer ends with the autumnal equinox and the precursor season of the winter begins.
- When the Northern Hemisphere world observes its September equinox of Fall equinox, the Southern Hemisphere countries like Australia, New Zealand, Southern Africa, and South America will be celebrating the beauty of their Spring Equinox 2024.
Fall Equinox Spiritual Meaning
The Autumn season is the season of a major transformation for nature. The ripened and well-bloomed nature retires to give way to new harvests. It teaches we do not need to be always in a celebratory mood. It is okay to feel solitary and alone if life is giving you such situations. As an individual, we cannot always remain like a busy-bee and happy. Sometimes, we need to explore ourselves. The changing season is the time to meditate on what we have achieved and what we have lost. Learning is the sole purpose of this transformation.
The days start getting shorter and the nights get longer. As we grow, our happier and healthier days start getting shorter. There is more time spent in healing and being low-key. The spiritual meaning of fall 2021 is to accept the change with a positive mind and with thoughtfulness.
What Happens on the Day of Fall Equinox
The precise dates of fall equinox may vary from year to year and with different time zones of the world. However, we have shared the UTC of the first day of autumn here to enable you to calculate your local time accordingly.
What exactly will happen on the day of fall equinox 2024? Well, in the year 2024, the Sun will cross the celestial equator from North to South on the 22nd of September at 12.43 UTC. The celestial equator is the imaginary line corresponding to the Earth’s equator and hence the Sun’s longitude is either 0 degrees or 180 degrees on the day of the equinox.
From the happening of September equinox, the days will start getting shorter day by day till the winter solstice 2024 will occur around 22nd December 2024. It is said that the day of the fall equinox is the day when Earth enjoys equal hours of the day and equal hours of the night, which is not precise. It may vary around the day of the equinox.
Click here to learn about the fall equinox rituals and celebrations popular worldwide.
What is an Equinox
The term equinox is derived from the two Latin language words meaning equal and night. This again signifies that there will be equal day and night.
The time lag between the two moonrises also becomes shorter. The first nearest full moon to the September equinox is the harvest moon. For a few days around the Harvest Moon, the duration between the two moon rises is decreased by 30-40 minutes in the northern hemisphere and the same is increased in the southern. The Harvest Moon will occur on 23rd September 2024.
The geomagnetic activities get doubled during the equinoxes and hence it’s time for northern lights to present a colorful visual on the earth. Northernmost countries like Norway and Greenland observe the natural show of aurora.
The Fall Equinox 2024 also brings celebrations worldwide in different forms like Halloween Day, All Saints Day, Sukkot Day (Jewish), and Thanksgiving Day in the US and Canada. A host of other regional festivals and celebrations are marked on the day of Autumn Equinox. Meet the other wonderful facts and figures on the first day of spring, the first day of winter 2024, and the first day of summer 2024. We have updated information on all the equinoxes and solstices occurring during the year along with their astronomical, cultural, agricultural, and religious significances. Also, know the several celebrations that are interestingly linked with each of the equinox and solstice.

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