1st Day of Summer Season in Northern Hemisphere
The first day of summer 2025 is on 21st June 2025, Saturday in the Northern Hemisphere. Find all the dates and timings of the beginning of the summer season as per different time zones in the Northern Hemisphere. This post elaborates dates, timings, and customs of the first day of summer 2024 in different parts of the world. As per UTC timings, summer’s first day starts at 20.51 on 20th June 2024, Wednesday. In the UK and India, it falls on the same day as in the USA and Canada. However, you can refer to the timings of other zones further in this post along with more details on summer in Northern Hemisphere and Southern Hemisphere. The summer days are the longest days of the year and mark a great time for people to enjoy outings at cooler regions and beaches.
Click here for full moon June 2025 information
The 1st day of summer season is also known as summer solstice which occurs when Earth’s North pole is tilting towards Sun and Sun is just over the Tropic of Cancer (i.e. in Northern Hemisphere). The summer season fall during months of June, July and August with some variations. The Southern Hemisphere observes the days of winter at the same time.
When is 1st Day of Summer
Check out the first day of summer 2025 in different time zones of the world:
Start of Summer – Date and Time
- 21st June 2025, Saturday
The above timings mark marking first day of summer 2025 or the beginning of the summer season in the Northern Hemisphere. You can check out the start of summer for the Southern Hemisphere in our next sub-section detailing Summer in Australia.
First Day of Summer in Australia
Australia experiences the hottest days in December, January, and February which are cooler days for the Northern Hemisphere. Temperature varies from 16 to 26 degrees in major cities like Melbourne, Perth, Adelaide, Brisbane, Sydney, and Canberra. Some tropical regions also have a temperature maximum of 32 degrees. For the southern hemisphere, the summer starts in December month covering major countries of Australia, New Zealand, Indonesia, Maldives, South Africa, and some parts of South America.
Australia’s entire mainland falls in the Southern Hemisphere and all seasons and climate are juxtaposing the northern world. You can check out more details on Summer Solstice in our separate post.
June Solstice
As the 1st day of summer always falls in June month, it is also known as June Solstices. Solstices and Equinoxes mark the beginning of a new season. These celestial events occur twice in a year, i.e. in March, June, September, and December. Many cultures across the world follow specific customs to celebrate the first day of summer. While the June solstice features the longest day of the year when a certain part of the earth receives maximum sunlight; the December solstices are the shortest days of the year. The equinoxes mark the days of the year when the days and nights are of similar duration. March and September month feature equinoxes when Earth receives darkness and sunlight for equal twelve hours.
Check out the first days of other seasons including the first day of fall and autumn equinox posts at our site for interesting dates, times, and customs about the fall season. The first day of the seasons is closely followed by different cultures of the world as well by astronomers. The first day of summer 2024 starts the summer season and brings special days and celebrations like Strawberry fairs, the Fresh fruit festival, the Tokyo Festival, the Summer Shakespearean festival, and others. Summer days are also special as schools and colleges worldwide enjoy the longest vacations during the period which are generally the vacations after the completion of the academic years. Hence the summer breaks are generally time for picnics and outings in all countries. Stay with us for more info on the first day of autumn and autumnal equinox too.

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