Spring Equinox 2025: Date & Time Worldwide

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Vernal Equinox 2024 Calendar: Equinox Meaning and Definition

Are you looking for date and time of spring equinox in your region? Equinoxes are an astronomical phenomenon which occurs twice during a year. The Spring Equinox is the official start of the spring season. Our post details on the exact date and timings of the spring equinox 2024and also explains what is an equinox. The timings of spring equinox can also be referred to as the first day of spring or vernal equinox. Equinoxes and solstices mark arrival of first day of new seasons in March and fall in September.

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The days of equinoxes are also considered as a day of the year when the length of day and night are equally balanced and it happens as the celestial equator is crossed by the sun. Spring equinox is celebrated worldwide heralding the new season of spring in Northern Hemisphere of the world. The term equinox means equal night in Latin and hence it is the day when the earth gets equal hours of daylight and night i.e. 12 hours day and 12 hours night. Equinox occurring in March begins the spring season and the days started getting longer day by day towards summer. We have further shared the timings of the spring equinox 2021 and also some interesting information and astronomical reasons for occurrences of equinoxes.

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When is Spring Equinox in 2024 Northern Hemisphere

Find below the exact date and timings of the beginning of the first day of spring or spring equinox 2021 as per different time zones:

Start of Spring Equinox in 2024

[Northern Hemisphere – Central America, USA, Canada, Northern Africa, Europe and Asian countries]

Time Zone Time Date
EDT 05.24 AM 20th March 2024
UTC 09.24 AM 20th March 2024
IST 03.24 PM 20th March 2024

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Spring Equinox Southern Hemisphere 2024 Date and Time

The spring in the southern hemisphere countries like New Zealand, Australia, and South Africa, and South American countries set in the month of September.

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The spring equinox in the southern hemisphere falls on 23rd  September at 5.20 AM Australia time. While the Southern hemisphere is observing September equinox, the Northern hemisphere witnesses autumn equinox at the same time. However, during the autumn equinox as well as the spring equinox, the day and night are of equal duration.

123nextfullmoon also offers complete new moon calendar and full moon calendar for every month and season of the year. Users can also browse our website to know when is the next blue moon and supermoon. We are sure this information on vernal equinox is useful for you. We will also be publishing more information on autumn equinox in details. Spring equinox and vernal equinox are same as what we know as March equinox in the Northern Hemisphere. For Southern Hemisphere, they are know as September equinox.

What Is Spring Equinox Meaning

In popular terms, equinoxes are the two days of the year when the duration of day and night at equal on earth. Astronomically, equinoxes are the celestial events when the Sun crosses the equator and the earth’s tilt is zero degrees against Sun instead of southwards or northwards. As a result both the hemispheres receive the equal duration of sunlight.

During other days except for equinox days, the parts of the earth are either away from sun or closest to the sun due to which some parts experience cooler days and some parts get hotter. March equinox and September equinox are the two equinoxes which both the hemisphere experience. After March equinox transition of the season is experienced in Northern hemisphere towards hotter days while Southern Hemisphere countries like New Zealand, Australia, Chile, South Africa, Argentina move towards cooler days.

Spring equinox is also known as Vernal equinox and brings numerous celebratory days and festivals around the world. Spring is undoubtedly the season of regrowth and reproduction in nature and creatures, hence celebrated worldwide in different interesting ways. Not just pagan culture, but different religions and the urban world too celebrates significant days and traditions after the occurrence of March equinox. You can refer to our post on 1st day of spring for more details on celebrations that fall during the spring season.

The first day of every season brings a new caravan of festivals and rituals with it. Springtime also the best time for outdoors as the days are not very hotter or not extremely cold as found in summer and winters. Likewise equinoxes, we will also be updating on solstices which are equally significant astronomical events that mark the beginning of summer season or winter season. Hope you liked our post on spring equinox 2024 and enjoyed the information shared herein and at other related posts like the first day of summer, Vernal equinox and the first day of spring 2024 to. Start of the new seasons is ardently followed by people globally as they are known to be lucky and best ones to celebrate special and significant events.

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