Happy Summer Solstice 2024 Time Meaning
Summer solstice falls on 20th of June for the Northern Hemisphere. Are you curious to know when is summer solstice in the USA, UK, India, Ireland, and other parts of the world? The longest day of the year 2024 will be happening in June on different dates and times in various regions of the world. Find the Summer or June Solstice 2024 date and time worldwide with interesting facts and figures. In 2024, the summer solstice happens to be on the same date for all the different time zones or locations. However the timings differ. We have shared further the time and date of the beginning of this event which marks the beginning of summer or midsummer with variations in regions. It is also known as June Solstice (in Northern Hemisphere) as well the first day of the summer season. Also, visit our website to know when is the next supermoon.
As we have already posted timings, date and other interesting information for all equinoxes, solstices and the first day of spring and winter; here is for you to know why Summer Solstice is a celebrated phenomenon for astronomers, scientists as well laymen in different regions of the world. The first day of seasons or change of seasons is important day and event for all cultures and religions and that is how solstices and equinoxes play a key role in our lives.
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Date and Time of Summer Solstice 2024
Find here dates and timings of different time zones. You can calculate the beginning of the summer season 2024 in your region according to your time difference with the UTC timings. The summer solstice time is also the time or date of the first day of summer 2024 in your region.
Time and Date: June Solstice 2024
- 20th June 2024, Thursday at 20.51 UTC
- 20th June 2024, Thursday at 16.51 EDT
This summer or strawberry solstice day is considered the longest day of the year when the earth receives the sunlight for maximum hours.
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What is Summer Solstice
The summer solstice is the day of the year when the days are the longest and the nights get the shortest. The event happens when the tilt of the earth’s semi-axis is mot towards the Sun. This phenomenon occurs once in a year in Northern as well as Southern Hemisphere, but during a different time in both. In Northern Hemisphere, the june solstice occurs in June, while in Southern (Australia, New Zealand and South Africa) it occurs in December.
Due to the highest proximity to the Sun, the Northern Hemisphere of the planet receives maximum sunlight. This makes the climate hotter and the days are long.
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The Longest Day of Year 2024
While the occurrence of Summer Solstice is believed to be the beginning of summer for some regions, actually it marks midsummer for some regions of the Northern Hemisphere. However, the day is famous as the first day of summer as it marks the beginning of the summer season for certain parts of the earth. The day when Summer Solstice 2024 will occur will also be the longest day of the year 2024, as the While, the June solstice occurs on 20th June, the Midsummer Day is believed to be 24th June for every year. On the day of the Summer solstice, the sun is seen at its highest point from a particular hemisphere of the earth.
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Summer season is the warmest of all the four seasons and the first day of summer is the best time for outdoors to beaches and cooler regions. Worldwide schools are observing longest break during the summer season adding one more reason for outdoor and picnics.
Are you also interested in knowing when will be the first day of fall in 2024? Stay with us for exciting elaborations, times and traditions about equinoxes, solstices and first days of all the four seasons. We are sure you are liking our informative pieces on summer solstice 2024 and other astronomical events of equinoxes. 123nextfullmoon.com also offers all the full moon dates, new moon dates, and beautiful moon emoticons symbols to copy and paste.

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